This item is unobtainable and can no longer be obtained
Choosable Shiny is an unobtainable item in Crusaders' Heaven that was added because of a major data loss event. It was obtainable through speaking with the Mail Guy NPC. It was used as a way for players to get their skins back during the major data loss event.
Upon selecting the Choosable Shiny item, it would bring up a GUI from which you were able to select the skin that you wanted. However, you weren't able to acquire Vegito, Star Television, or other extremely rare skins due to high demand for them.
How To Obtain[]
- Speaking with the Mail Guy NPC and receiving his mail during the major data loss event.
It was used by players to get their skins back during the major data loss event. You are still able to use it to get skins, however upon acquiring a skin from it, the item will disappear - meaning that you can only use it once.
Avaiable Skins[]
- The World's Greatest High
- Dark The World
- Bloody The World
- Black The World
- The Night
- Manga The World
- Manga Star Platinum
- Shiny Star Platinum
- Moss Platinum
- Platinum
- The Platinum
- Evil Spirit
- Jotaro
- Galaxy Platinum
- Silver Chariot OVA
- Golden Chariot
- Child Silver Chariot
- French Chariot
- Shadow Knight
- Jotaro Part 4
- Moss Platinum: The World
- Evil Spirit: The World
- Shiny Star Platinum: The World
- Jotaro Part 6
- Star Platinum: The Galaxy
- Kira
- Killer King
- Shadow Killer
- Shiny Killer Queen
- Demon Queen
- Angel Queen
- White Killer Queen
- Violet Hand
- Shiny The Hand
- Okuyasu
- Giorno
- Manga Gold Experience
- Shiny Gold Experience
- Dark Experience
- 24k Gold Experience
- Volcanic Experience
- Void Experience
- Boss Giorno
- Manga Gold Experience Requiem
- Shiny Gold Experience Requiem
- Dark Experience Requiem
- Volcanic Experience Requiem
- 24k Gold Experience Requiem
- Void Experience Requiem
- Shiny King Crimson: Doppio
- Manga King Crimson
- Doppio
- Diavolo
- Maga King Crimson
- Violet King
- Dark Crimson
- Shiny King Crimson
- Johnny
- Shiny Tusk: Act 4
- Metal Tusk: Act 4
- Manga Tusk: Act 4
- Dark Tusk: Act 4
- Diego
- The World Alternate Universe High Voltage
- Oreo The World Alternate Universe
- Demon The World Alternate Universe
- The World Alternate Universe Over Heaven
- SSJ4 Gogeta
- Super Saiyan Gogeta
- Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
- Broly
- Vegito
- Gogeta
- Deimos The World
- Deimos Crimson
- Deer The World
- Christmas Platinum
- Krampus
- Elf Experience Requiem
- Star Platinum: The World OVA
- Star Chadinum
- Star Platinum Television
- Inferno Chariot
- The World: OVA
- Star Platinum OVA
- Shadow The World
- Tyler
- Susk: Act 4
Items | ||
Items | Stand Arrow • Weird Arrow • Shiny Mushroom • Holy Mushroom • Accessories Coin • Unusual Arrow • Requiem Arrow • Mysterious Bag • Left Arm of the Saint's Corpse • Left Eye of the Saint's Corpse • Steel Ball • Holy Bible • Saint's Corpse • Doppio's Frog • DIO's Hair • Ugly Watch • Diego's Eye • | |
Removed Items | Spooky Arrow • Candy Cane • Christmas Gift • Choosable Shiny • Soul • Valentines Gift |