Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

"JoJo... if it wasn't for you, I never would have received the power of the Stone Mask... But at the same time, it was your damnable meddling that cost me world domination! If there truly a god pulling the strings, then it is no coincidence our paths intersect."
~ Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー Dio Burandō)


Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー Dio Burandō), known as DIO from Part 3 onwards, is the main antagonist of Part 1 and Part 3. After becoming a vampire and later a Stand user, Dio has gathered many minions and is responsible for many major events of the series, from the death of Jonathan Joestar to the Joestar Family's sudden acquisition of Stand power, and his legacy persists throughout the series. Dio is the father of Giorno Giovanna, the protagonist of Part 5, as well as a handful of other illegitimate offspring. DIO is a boss that is used to evolve Star Platinum into Star Platinum: The World. Talk to Zai to get the quest and kill DIO using Star Platinum to evolve it. His sound cue for spawning is a laugh


Main Article: The World

Attack Description Damage How To Dodge
TS Donut Dio teleports behind you and shoves his fist through your chest It does around 40 damage but it's less than King Crimson's impale Ts donut has a range so if you keep your distance then he cant get to you but thats hard since he always runs towards you and he also has TS Teleport. It’s also blockable if you can react fast enough
M1's/Punches Dio only resorts to this if all his moves are in cooldown. its just basic punches with a special animation at the 5th punch but this animation is exclusive to the stand The World and not dio Idk the damage yet but just know that every boss with a stand does 2x damage compared to a player with that same stand All m1's are blockable so just hold block
Timestop Its name is self explanatory Although the move itself doesn't do damage dio can use any move during it and the damage stacks once the time stop is over all that damage hits at ince If you dont have a ts resist stand either hope that you werent the last one to hit dio or you can take advantage of his time stop animation. If you are fast enough you can use the time granted by the animation to ragdoll him(it completely cancels ts) or jump , though non ts resist stands dont have the 0 gravity that TS stands have but if you time the jump right then most of dio's moves cant hit you. If you do have TS resist then just jump
Kick barrage The World releases a flurry of light kicks and ends it with a final roundhouse kick Again idk but im testing it in a PS rn Since the light kicks dont block break you can hold block before the attack reaches you but you will get block broken on the final kick(getting block broken stuns you) but if you are already caught in the light kicks you can still try and perfect block the final kick (perfect blocking an attack stuns the person who attacked you)
Road Sign Dio slams the ground with a stop sign which stuns anyone caught in the attack Damage is on its way Like most attacks road sign can be perfect blocked
Heavy Punch The World does a heavy punch that ragdolls Around 20 This is a generic block break move that can be perfect blocked or you can escape its hit box by either dashing or teleporting
TS Teleport Dio simply teleports to you This is a mobility move so it does no damage If you dont want Dio to use this move then stay close to him


Drop Drop Chance Picture
DIO's Hair 100%
Satiporoja Beetle Scarf(for Hamon the exact chance is unknown but it’s really low
Broken Vampire Mask(for Vampirism the exact chance is unknown but it’s really low

Tips And Tricks[]

  • Using Gold Experience Requiem is recommended for this boss, but if you want to obtain Star Platinum: The World then you'll have to use Star Platinum.
  • You can only evolve Star Platinum through giving DIO's Hair to Zai, so you can use a different stand to kill DIO but switch to Star Platinum when you talk to Zai.
  • Here's a combo against DIO you can use with Star Platinum: E+ 4 M1's + Beatdown + Star Finger and ORA! Rinse and repeat.
  • If you're using Gold Experience Requiem: U + E + 4 M1's + C + V Rinse and Repeat. Also make sure to spam your counter.
  • Dio is smarter than that so try to use counters when Dio is m1'ing or during kick barrage.
  • Timestop stands is useful if you know how to timing well. It is recommended to use small beatdown skills since they are long enough to make DIO's Timestop useless.
  • There is a cheesy combo you can with Star Platinum that will slowly drain DIO's health if done correctly. First, M1 DIO exactly 5 times in order to ragdoll him. Once DIO comes back up, you can barrage him to use your beatdown if your ultimate bar is halfway or use Judgement, or kick barrage to ragdoll him again. Next, you can either use your barrage then do some M1s to use your Judgement if you haven't yet, or do some M1s to ragdoll him again. Then, repeat! The Judgement move will ragdoll him either way so don't worry about ruining your combo. (Reminder: DIO will still hit you even if you did everything correctly. Do not worry, since this is all apart of the combo and because DIO's attacks are fast. If done correctly, you shouldn't really die to DIO at all.)
  • Whitesnake is extremely good for DIO as not only does it have extremely good combo potential, if for some reason you couldn’t regularly avoid/cancel time stop(eg. lag) then using [H]/Sleep will put DIO to sleep for the entire time stop as time stop doesn’t cancel the move. The windup of time stop should also be enough for you to activate the move.