Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

""This is where the fun begins""
~ Diego Brando (ディエゴ・ブランド)


Diego Brando (ディエゴ・ブランドー Diego Burandō), also known as DIO, is a boss in Crusaders' Heavens and the secondary antagonist of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure : Steel Ball Run (Part 7). He is a boss necessary for evolving Tusk Act 3 to Tusk Act 4. He uses The World: Alternate Universe as his stand. Diego spawns every 20 minutes with a random chance as the other bosses, and when killed has a 20% chance to drop a Saint's Corpse. He has a total of 2500 health, but will heal when not attacked like the other bosses. His sound cue for spawning is “MUDA DA MUDA!”


Main Article: The World: Alternative Universe

Abilities Description Damage How to Dodge
M1 Combo Diego will throw 5 punches at the player, the 5th punch being

a special move that deals extra damage.

8.6 Damage

(Each M1)

[Total - 67.5]

Its blockable (except the 5th) and it’s extremely short range
Heavy Punch Diego will throw a swift heavy punch that ragdolls the player. 44 Damage Its perfect blockable and it has a pretty small hitbox so staying at mid range is the best option
TS Donut Just like The World(Part 3), Diego will teleport and impale the player with enough

force to drive the world’s fist through the player's chest.It ragdolls the player.

42 Damage Ts donut has a range so if you keep your distance then he cant get to you but thats hard since he always runs towards you and he also has TS Teleport. It’s also blockable if you can react fast enough
Chop Diego will chop the player with his left arm swiftly with extreme


43 Damage Chop is another short range/melee move so staying at mid distances will do but it can also be perfect blocked
Teleport Diego will simply teleport to the user. No Damage If you dont want Diego to use this move then stay close to him
Timestop Diego will stop time for a few seconds. No Damage If you dont have a ts resist stand either hope that you werent the last one to hit Diego or you can take advantage of his time stop animation. If you are fast enough you can use the time granted by the animation to ragdoll him(it completely cancels ts) or jump , though non ts resist stands dont have the 0 gravity that TS stands have but if you time the jump right then most of dio's moves cant hit you. If you do have TS resist then just jump
TS Knives (Beatdown) Diego will instantly stop time and throw the player, then throw

a barrage of knives at the player. Afterward, he poses and then resumes time.

170 Damage It’s an extremely close range so staying in mid range is the easiest counter. If you are about to be hit by this, ragdolling/trying to cancel it is pointless as Beatdowns grant Hyper Armor so the best option is to either perfect block it or use a counter(counter will not be triggered it only grants you I-Frames and endlag could let diego punish you)


Drops Drop Chance Picture
Diego's Eye 100% Chance
Diego Eye
Saint's Corpse 20% Chance
Saint Corpse V2

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Diego isn't an easy boss to defeat alone, which is why it is recommened to have a team of 2 or more players before fighting Diego as all players could each do their combos and deal more damage than just fighting Diego alone.
  • However, if you're going to fight Diego alone, then it is recommened to use a TS-resist stand, such as Star Platinum or the The World: Alternate Universe, as Diego will stop time frequently during the fight. His cutscene cooldown is short, so beware.
  • Beware of his ultimate/beatdown, Diego loves to spam his ultimate/beatdown so make sure to keep as much pressure on him as possible before he unleashes his ultimate.
  • You can also kill Diego through pushing him out of the map or making him glitch out of the barrier that blocks the player from falling out of map on the beach.
  • You don't need to kill Diego with Tusk to drop Saint's Corpse, cheese him with SPTW or GER is a great choice against him.
  • His beatdown/ultimate deal an insane amount of damage, so try to avoid it as much as possible.
  • Whitesnake is extremely good for Diego as not only does it have extremely good combo potential, if for some reason you couldn’t regularly avoid/cancel time stop(eg. lag) then using [H]/Sleep will put Diego to sleep for the entire time stop as time stop doesn’t cancel the move. The windup of time stop should also be enough for you to activate the move.
  • If your having a bad time trying to kill Diego you can try to lure him into the void by walking to the end of the water.


  • The Diego Boss was added during the V0.8.3 update along with the Christmas Event.
  • You can talk to the Johnny NPC to trade Diego's Eye for loots, such as Stand Arrows, Shiny Mushroom, etc.
  • Diego spawns on the middle of the beach near the Johnny NPC.

