Combos are a combination of multiple moves that aim to prevent your opponent from escaping or attacking you. The best way to do this is via a true combo which stuns the opponent throughout the duration of the combo. If the combo is not true then it is possible that the opponent can teleport out (or use stand jump) to escape or perfect block on of your combo extenders and start combo'ing you. It is very rare for someone to perfect block you as the players in this game are more focused on combo's . M1 cooldowns have been nerfed so almost all combos in this game were made irrelevant.
Combo Extenders[]
A move that stuns and allows you to attack the opponent more. On most stands this move is binded to c
Combo Finishers[]
A move which doesn't stun but deals high damage and ragdolls. That is why it is used at the end of a combo. Most of these moves are binded to V but R can be a good substitute
Combo Breakers[]
These are moves that can completely stop the opponent's combo from damaging you any further. These moves only work for combos that are aren't true. Moves that teleport allow you to escape the combo , If the combo has even 1 frame where you arent stunned it allow's you to activate your counter move which forces your opponent to either stop hitting you (gets u punished for not landing the counter) or damages them if they hit you during the counter. If you block right before one of the moves in the combo (assuming its not a block bypasser or a regular blockable move) then you can parry it and punish the opponent. Moves that grant you i-frames or move that are uncancelable like beatdowns can end your opponent's combo as well
Punishing/ Getting Punished[]
This is when you either mess up the timing or use a move incorrectly which results in opening up a window for your opponent to combo you. Example of this is barraging first even though your barrage isnt hitting the enemy cause it allows them to start barraging you and get a free combo. Another example is missing a counter since if no one hits you during a counter you get stunned for a bit allowing you to get combo'd. You can also get punished not because of a mistake you made but rather for the opponent getting rewarded for using a move correctly or timing it well such as using a counter and you hit them during the counter or perfect blocking
Blocking Mechanics[]
Regular Blocking[]
By holding F you can avoid damage but you cant run while doing this. When blocking you have essentially a second health bar which when not attacked for like 5 seconds it replenishes ( It can also be replenished by unblocking but doing this causes block to go on cooldown). When the block bar reaches zero from basic attacks ( it is visualized by the block going from white to red ) you get block broken
Block Breaking[]
Bloock breaking is when the opponents guard is broken and the get stunned when block broken. Their are certain attacks referred to as block breakers which can break a persons block instantly and completely ingore the block bar. All ragdolling attacks are block breakers but not all block breakers are ragdolling attacks.
Perfect Blocking/Parrying[]
Perfect blocking(PB'ing) or parrying is the act of blocking right before the attack lands. Perfect blocks only work on a block breaker so if you are attacked by a blockable move it'll just be a regular block. When a perfect block is preformed it stuns the attacker and rewards you for timing. If the block breaker is a projectile it gets i but more complex. if the block breaking projectile is launched at a range it acts like a regular block breaker but if its used in close range it can be perfect blocked
Block Bypassers[]
These are moves which completely ignore block. The only stand that can do this is Killer Queen And Tusk
Miscellaneous Mechanics[]
Its when your character is invincible and cannot be damaged for a certian period of time
When the opponent is is struck by certain attacks like R they are flung and when they reach the ground. During this state their body is contorted and looks similar to a ragdoll hence the name. You stand is automatically unsummoned when a ragdolling move hits you( Unless you summon the stand as your getting attacked). When on the ground you gain i-frames until you stand up again.
An attack that causes the enemy to not be able to do anything( they can still walk but not run) for a limited time. These moves are essential to combos. It is indicated by a blue bar above their head.
Knock Back[]
Its self explanatory . It simply throws back the enemy.
Rage/Ultimate Bar[]
A bar in the left side of your screen that is filled up by either taking or dealing damage. Some moves require rage to use.
A move where you do a pose and anyone who attacks you in this state while cause a mini cutscene to play and it almost always results in you damaging them
Moves that deal negative damage to either you or who ever your healing (Note: Unless it instantly heals you instead of tick healing then if you get hit during the healing animation it gets cancelled and is put on cooldown)
TS (Time Stop) Resistance[]
Stands like Star Platinum, Star Platinum : The World, The World and the The World: Alternative Universe all have timestop as the H move and can also move in each other's time stop for about 1 second. Gold Experience Requiem can completely cancel put time stop by using its H move(Return to zero). Tusk: Act 4 also has the ability to move in time stop but not because it has the ability to stop time but because its ability is directly linked to gravity and in Jojo's lore; gravity and time are intertwined. Using that logic we can assume that when cmoon is added it should be able to move in time stop