Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki
Gold Experience

""I hate saying things twice when I shouldn't have to, because it's useless to say it twice...""
~ Giorno Giovanna (Jorno Jobāna,ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ).


Gold Experience (often shortened to "GE") is the Stand of Giorno Giovanna, the main protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo. It has the ability to give life through any part of its body. Gold Experience later obtains an evolution by getting stabbed by the Requiem Arrow.


Gold Experience looks similar to its user, Giorno Giovanna. It wears a helmet with a ladybug-like design with markings coming from the back of the helmet that form two J's at the front. Below the eyes are markings that form a J, extending near its lips and jaw. It also wears stylized wings, similar to the ones on Giorno's collar, on both of its shoulder and large ladybugs on its chest, feet, hips, and hands. It also wears two elliptical knee pads and two elbow braces of similar shape. Suspenders, similar to that on DIO's pants, can also be seen attached to the front as well as a loincloth that covers it back. It also has armor-like pieces with grooves on its leg, arms, chest, and forearms.

How to Obtain[]

Gold Experience can be obtained by using a Stand Arrow with a random chance while having Standless.


Keybind Move Descripton Damage GIF Audio
Summon The user summons Gold Experience, shouting "Gold Experience!" N/A GE-Q
M1 Combo Gold Experience performs a basic punch combo, with the fifth one being a mini beatdown. Last punch block breaks. 3.75 DMG (4 punches)

0.47 DMG (barrage)

7.15 DMG (finisher)

Golden Experience M1 Combo
Hold E
Barrage Gold Experience unleashes a flurry of punches for about 5 seconds. Can be blocked. 0.65 DMG per punch Golden Experience Barrage
Heavy Punch Gold Experience strikes with a fast right punch. Can block break and perfect blocked. 19 DMG Golden Experience Heavy Punch
Root Stab Gold Experience punches the ground, making roots grow quickly, stabbing the victim. Can be blocked. 19.5 DMG Golden Experience Root Stab
Hold Y
Heal Other The user grabs whoever is in front of him, forces them down and proceeds to heal them with Gold Experience. 7.5 HP

45 HP (full)

Golden Experience Heal Other
Hold H
Self Heal Gold Experience uses its life-giving powers to heal its user. 0.8 HP

24 HP (total)

Golden Experience Self Heal
Soul Punch Gold Experience uses its life-giving abilities and throws a punch, that makes the victim's mind and senses go berserk, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Can block break (?) and be perfect blocked. 21.5 DMG User's PerspectiveGolden Experience Soul Punch 1

Victim's PerspectiveGolden Experience Soul Punch 2

Tree Grow Gold Experience punches the ground, giving a life to a sprout thus making it grow very fast. It will reflect all damage directed at it. N/A Golden Experience Tree Grow
7 Page Muda Gold Experience punches the victim, initiating a cutscene. The victim is knocked back and tries to attack the user, but instead gets pummeled by Gold Experience. Gold Experience finishes with a strong punch. Requires half of your ultimate bar and can be perfect blocked. 0.32 DMG per punch

85.8 DMG (total)

Golden Experience Beatdown
Pose The user and Gold Experience poses, saying "I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!" N/A GE-Pose


  • Gold Experience is one of the two Stands which have poses, the other being Star Platinum.
  • When posing, the user will say "I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!".
  • The Ultimate (X) is based on the famous "7 Page MUDA", also known as the "Cioccolata Beatdown".
  • Gold Experience has a total of 8 skins.
    • Manga Gold Experience is based on Gold Experience in the manga.
    • 24k Gold Experience is based on Gold Experience but pure gold.
    • Dark Experience may be based on A Bizarre Day's Toxic Gold Experience.
    • Volcanic Experience may be based on A Bizarre Day's Volcanic Gold Experience.
    • Giorno is based on Giorno Giovanna, Gold Experience's user in the series.
    • Gogeta is based on Gogeta from the Dragon Ball series.


Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean