Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

"My heart is resonating! With the heat of a raging fire! Feel the pounding beat of my pulse! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!"
~ Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター Jonasan Jōsutā)


Hamon is an ancient martial art that revolved around using controlled breathing to produce a sort of Life Energy. This life energy has the same frequency as sunlight, giving it the affect it has on vampires. Hamon manifests itself as a yellow/orange lightning and can change the properties of other objects. Because it is life energy, hamon does have healing properties


  1. First get a Satiporoja Beetle Scarf(Small Drop Chance from Zai quest)
  2. Talk to Jonathan
  3. Kill 15 Vampire Users( located in the same alley as thugs)


Keybind Move Descripton Damage GIF
G Charge Hamon Through controlled breathing you generate hamon within your body. This noticeably buffs your passive healing as long as it’s held and also charges your “Hamon” bar N/A
M1 Combo When standless your m1 animations don’t change but you gain a orange lightning aura/hit effect as well a slight dmg buff, if hamon is charged 3.5 (5.2 crit)
B Flame Punch You twirl around whilst lighting your fist ablaze. You then deliver a swift uppercut, presumably setting the opponent on fire. Requires hamon charged 5;-; (burn dmg isn’t known)
N Scarlet Overdrive You radiate a large wave of red tinted hamon, launching anyone nearby. This can be used in stun and reqiures hamon charged 5
J Sendo Overdrive You stomp the ground sending a ripple of hamon across the surface you are standing on. This stuns for a decent amount of time and requires hamon charged 30
L Sunlight Yellow Overdrive You release a swift jab (requires hamon charged)and if it connects it plays a cutscene

You knee the opponent in the stomach, causing them to drop to their knees

You then pummel the opponent with a flurry of hamon infused punches as you yell



Pros and Cons[]


  • A beatdown that doesn’t require rage.
  • Low Cooldown, easily-accessible heal.
  • Decently Combo Extender.
  • The Best “Get Off Me” move.


  • Flame Punch does extremely underwhelming damage.
  • Not much options for combos and at range.


  • In canon hamon has both magnetic and electric properties (a nod to how light ,aka electromagnetic waves, are comprised of both an electric field/wave and a magnetic field/wave)
  • The life energy of hamon being similar to sunlight makes sense as almost all energy within living organisms originate from the sun
  • Despite the canon, Hamon ingame isn’t confirmed to do any extra damage to vampires

Spec Navigation[]

Specs/Fighting Style
Specialities HamonVampirism