Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki
Holy Mushroom

Basic Information[]

The Holy Mushroom is an item used to obtain skins, similar to the Shiny Mushroom. You are guaranteed to obtain a skin if you use one on a Stand. It can spawn, but it rarely does. You can get this from zai, but it isn't that common, making this item extremely rare.


The Holy Mushroom looks similar to the Shiny Mushroom, the only difference being its color.

How To Obtain[]

The mushroom can be obtained in 3 ways, they are:

  • Finding it on the ground.
  • Getting Mail from Mail Guy.
  • (Very Rarely) Zai's Quest to kill Dio


The mushroom can be used on Stands to get a random skin with a 100% chance.


Item Navigation[]

Items Stand ArrowWeird ArrowShiny MushroomHoly MushroomAccessories CoinUnusual ArrowRequiem ArrowMysterious BagLeft Arm of the Saint's CorpseLeft Eye of the Saint's CorpseSteel BallHoly BibleSaint's CorpseDoppio's FrogDIO's HairUgly WatchDiego's Eye
Removed Items Spooky ArrowCandy CaneChristmas GiftChoosable ShinySoulValentines Gift