Here are the rules of the Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki.
Rule.1 Vandalism | If you vandalize you will be blocked. | 1 week. if you do it again 2 weeks. again then a 1 month block and so on. |
Rule.2 Spamming | If you spam in the comment section or a message wall of somebody. | You will be blocked for 2 weeks again then 1 month again then a indefinite block. |
Rule 3 NSWF/Gore | NSWF/GORE is inappropriate content in images or in very descriptive words. | Infinite block if you do this no exceptions. |
Rule 4 Terrorist jokes | If you say ur in a terrorist group even if its a joke it will result in a ban. this rule was made due to the PewDiePie stream with him wearing a KKK suit. | First time is 2 weeks, Second time is 1 month, Third time is a indefinite ban. non appealable. |
Rule 5 Swearing | Swearing is a very common rule on many wiki's. you can cuss but its to a extent you cannot use cuss words to insult people but u can say cuss words in general. | First time is a 3 day block. again then a 1 week block. again the a indefinite block. appealable |
Rule 6 Toxicity | Toxicity is also a very common rule on plenty of wiki's. you CANNOT say any toxic words such as "Ez" "Garbage" "Failure" "Dog water" and any variation of water. | First time is 2 weeks, Second time is 1 month, Third time is a indefinite ban. non appealable. |
Rule 7. Do NOT create useless pages. | Do NOT make a page about something that is not in the game or is a fact. if you want to make a post about it then u may in the discussions or a blog. | First time is 2 weeks, Second time is 1 month, Third time is a indefinite ban. non appealable. |
Rule 8.Do not use bias while editing pages/Putting on your username on the page. | Doing such a thing will be considered vandalism. Do this only in the comment section or a blog or a post in the discussions page. | 1 week. if you do it again 2 weeks. again then a 1 month block and so on. Non appealable. |
Rule 9. Creating Rules/Getting rid of rules. (U CANNOT GET RID OF THIS RULE THIS IS A UNREMOVABLE RULE.) | This rule is implemented to where its a democratic system. if you make/delete a rule. if the community likes the idea then it will go into phase 2 where the Owner will decide if this is a good idea and should be added/deleted. | If a staff member makes a rule/deletes a rule and decides to add/delete it anyway without owner permission or the community's. will result in a Indefinite ban. However appealable. |
Rule 10. No saying Racial Swears at any point. | You are PROHIBITED no matter whatever the circumstance to say ANY RACIAL SWEARS. This is a very serious rule and we will not tolerate any racism on our wiki. | Indefinite block. non appealable under ANY circumstances. |
Rule 11.Changing PFP on Wiki Staff Page-STAFF ONLY | If your rank is lower then Content Moderator then this rule does not apply to you. But for any rank higher then content moderator and the rank con tent moderator you will have to change the pfp on the wiki staff team page on your own if you need help ask a higher rank. | 2 hour block if you don't change it after 24 hours or a higher rank tells you to do it. |
Rule 12.Do not impersonate anyone. | Do not impersonate anyone For example, if you were to write "I'm literally SkyWarzIsForFun i can ban you if you don't do (blank)". Doing this will get you punished. | Indefinite ban. Appealable |
Rule 13. Do not blackmail. | Blackmailing is the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. | Indefinite ban. Unappealable. |
Rule 14.No arguing. | It's not polite to start arguments they are unneeded and we do not allow them on this wiki. | If you start arguing, you'll get blocked for 2 weeks. Next offense is 1 month, next one is a Indefinite block. unappealable. |
Rule 15.No self promotion. | Do not post Youtube Channel links, etc, of your own, as it is self promoting. | It will get you blocked for 2 weeks . then 1 month, then indefinite block.appealable. |
Rule 16.Do not evade blocks. | Another obvious rule. If you get blocked, do not use an alt to avoid that block. Just wait it out, and if it's an infinite block, don't try. This rule is very strict. | If you are caught doing this you will be blocked for 1 month. If caught 2nd time is a 2 month block. 3rd time is an unappealable infinite block. |
Rule.17 Being Sexist. | Being sexist meaning you are not treating genders equally and that is not fair. for example u say something like "Boys are better then girls" Or something meaning one gender is better then the other and it is not fair you do that. | Indefinite block unappealable. |
Rule.18 Following the correct editing instructions. | Following the Correct editing the correct instructions. If this protocol is not followed it will result in a block. This is a very new rule that has been implaced due to ignorance with creating new pages within the last 24 hours. it may be removed if I see improvement. | Currently being tested. |