Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki
Killer Queen

"Nobody can track me. Nobody knows the truth about Yoshikage Kira. That is, nobody will, after I get rid of you."
~ Yoshikage Kira (Kira Yoshikage, 吉良 吉影)


Killer Queen is the Stand of Kira Yoshikage, the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. Unlike other Stands in-game, other than its punch barrages, Killer Queen specializes in explosive attacks. With this ability, the Stand can deal an incredible amount of damage very fast.


Killer Queen is a visibly muscular humanoid Stand about as tall as the user and is light in color overall. Its crown is flat, while two sharp, triangular shapes resembling cat ears stand on both sides of the top of its head. The Stand has several accessories on its waist and below, such as a brown belt with a golden skull and a black pair of pants that also have a golden skull while having a pair of sandals.

On the other hand, Sheer Heart Attack takes the form of a plated sphere with a superficial, removable knob on its top and tank treads on either side. Embedded at its front is a cat-skull similar to those on Killer Queen's body, with the addition of a downward dagger on the forehead, a movable jaw, and a short spike as a nose. Its hollow eyes glow a purple color when summoned.


Keybind Move Descripton Damage GIF
LMB M1 combo Killer Queen throws 4 basic punches before grabbing the opponent by the neck and blowing them up 4.57 per punch and explosion is 18.25
Killer Queen M1 Combo
E Barrage Killer Queen assaults the enemy with a barrage of fast and moderately-powered punches. 0.62
Killer Queen Barrage
R Heavy Punch A generic punch that ragdolls 20.5
Killer Queen Heavy Punch
T Primary bomb Killer Queen charges the opponent ( needs to be detonated manually) 1 (Detonation is 39.5)
Killer Queen Primary Bomb
Y Coin Bomb Killer Queen transmutes a coin into a bomb, then throws the coin. If a target comes within range, you can activate the bomb by pressing the detonate button (H) while also delivering a moderate explosion to the target. However, this move is easy to dodge. 39.5 (Detonation)
Killer Queen Coin Bomb
C Donut A close range move where Killer Queen shoves his fist through the opponents chest 30.62
Killer Queen Donut
V Killer Queens Ability Killer Queen pins the opponent to the ground uses primary bomb and immediately detonates it 44.5
Killer Queen Killer Queen's Ability
H Detonate This causes Killer Queen's bombs to explode including Primary Bomb(T), Coin Bomb(Y) and Stray Cat Bubble (BTD V) 0
Killer Queen Detonate
Z Sheer Heart Attack Killer Queen summons a turtle shell with tank treads and a skull for a face. It tracks the opponent and explodes when close enough 24.5 per explosion (It has a time limit and can hit a maximum of 5 explosions).
Killer Queen Sheer Heart Attack

Evolved Forms[]

(LMB + Unusual Arrow) - Killer Queen: Bites The Dust
Killer Queen: Bites The Dust is the Matured Form of Killer Queen. The stand has a similar appearance to Killer Queen. Killer Queen: Bites The Dust is obtainable by using a Unusual Arrow whilst having a Killer Queen.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Incredible damage output.
  • Sheer Heart Attack leaves enemies open.
  • Has simple but effective combos.
  • Doesn't require moves with long windups.
  • Easy to learn
  • Explosions bypass block.
  • Bombs are unavoidable once planted.


  • High cooldowns.
  • Struggles at close range with close range Stands.
  • Only has one ranged attack and it has a high cooldown.


Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean