Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki
King Crimson

"I am an emperor! My only ambition is to remain at the top!"
~ King Crimson (Kingu Kurimuzon, キング・クリムゾン)


King Crimson is the Stand of Diavolo, the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo. Unlike most other Stands that deal high amounts of damage in their barrages, King Crimson mainly specializes in punches, slashes and strikes that are fatal in close-ranged combat. Combined with its ability to erase time, this Stand can be powerful when used correctly.


King Crimson is a humanoid Stand of a height and build like the user, however tends to seem somewhat bigger. Its body is roofed by a raised diagonal grid; save for its face, neck, shoulder guards, elbows, hands, abdomen, crotch, knees, and feet/footwear. Its eyes comprise of sharp orifices of a steep inward slant. The said second face on King Crimson's forehead is called Epitaph and is usually duplicated within the same position on the user's forehead. Epitaph presents itself as a bump on the forehead that includes eyes and a mouth perpetually grinding its teeth. Appropriate to its name, King Crimson is represented all told media that includes it as being primarily red, with the shade of red variable from work to figure.

How To Obtain (Attainability)[]


Keybind Move Descripton Damage
M1 combo King Crimson Throws 3 light punches before hitting the oppenent( which causes them to be blinded by blood) and then ragdolling them Normal


Barrage King Crimson barrages the opponent, dealing 0.77 damage per hit. (0.82 after awakening)


0.67 per hit


0.72 per hit

Heavy Punch King Crimson heavy punches the opponent with immense speed and power Normal




Epitaph King Crimson's Epitaph glows a bright red for around 8 seconds. (Note that if nobody attacks you during this period, you will be stunned for about 1 second) If attacked during this period, you will teleport behind the opponent who attacked you and perform a chop that deals 23 damage. (In awakening, Epitaph will make you dodge the opponent's moves while being able to attack) 23
Blood Blind [Requires you to be in Time Erasure in order to use] The user throw blood from theirhand into the eyes of anyone your cursor is on which causes them to be blinded by blood ( their screen is red and blurry) when time erasure is over N/A
Chop King Crimson chops the opponent with extreme speed and force Normal




Impale King Crimson impales the opponent with his right hand and block breaks 25
TE Teleport King Crimson's user teleports to wherever the cursor is (with limited range) N/A
Time Erase King Crimson erases time for 5 seconds, in the time no one can see them, and everyone around them gets teleported to their original position before the time erase, allowing for an easy combo starter(When low-quality graphics are enabled, it erases all textures, except for the playes themselves and the NPCs)
U Time Skip King Crimson and their user gain Invincibility Frames (I-frames for short) and last about 5-6 seconds N/A
X KC Awaken KC's user takes off their (imaginary) coat and gains small damage buffs along with a brand new cutscene to impale N/A
V (Awakened Variant) Impale The stand user sneaks behind the opponent before King Crimson speaks

" This Is my King Crimson's ability, I erased time and leapt past it "

Before delivering a powerful punch to the back causing the opponent to cough blood

"I will not allow anyone to threaten my throne,.... NO MATTER WHAT!"

King Crimson slowly drives his fist through their stomach while saying

"And now, you're going to have to disappear"

And follows it by driving his fist fully through their torso, this has coined the joking term of "Donutting".


Pros and Cons[]


  • Godly damage output. (single-hit)
  • Great close-ranged moves, therefore great combo potential. With amazing knock back for combos
  • Good mobility.
  • Time erasure and Epitaph can help you avoid deadly attacks.
  • Time erase can make you invisible and not attackable and is great for setting up attacks.
  • Epitaph is very viable for escaping attacks.
  • Time erase shows holograms of players so an attack is very easy to land.
  • Deadly combos. A well-practiced player's combos are almost impossible to escape.
  • The LMB combo is great for momentarily blinding your enemies.


  1. Zero ranged attacks.
  2. Most attacks can be avoided with ease, especially by very agile stands that can teleport away. perfect


  • King Crimson's barrage while awakening is active does 0.01 more damage than SPTW's barrage, making it the highest damaging barrage in the game.
  • King Crimson used to have a skin named 2 Armed KC.
  • King Crimson was obtainable from arrows before the 0.7.3 update.
  • People that had King Crimson before the rework gets the full body without having to do the quest.
  • During V0.7.3, Alain accidentally made a typo, typing "Managa KC", making it not able to be summoned.
  • The Ultimate move, Impale (V), is based on the cutscene when Diavolo used King Crimson to attack Bruno Bucciarati in Chapter 523 of Vento Aureo "The Mystery of King Crimson".
  • King Crimson has a total of 9 skins!
    • Shiny King Crimson, recolored black and white.
    • Dark Crimson
    • Violet Crimson
    • Manga King Crimson, based on KC in the manga, ASB, and EoH.
    • Manga King Crimson
    • Doppio, based on Doppio, Diavolo's other personality.
    • Diavolo, based on its user, Diavolo.
    • Deimos Crimson, based on @daddydeimos_art's art.
    • SSJ Gogeta, based on Gogeta in their Super Saiyan form.

King Crimson Skins[]

Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean