Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

Basic Information[]

The Left Arm of the Saint's Corpse or Left Arm is a rare item obtained from Mysterious Bags used on Standless to obtain Tusk ACT1. The Left Arm supposedly belongs to Jesus, but it has never been confirmed.


The Bones of a Left Arm. They emit a gold glow.

How To Obtain[]

The arm can only be obtained by:


The arm can be used to obtain:

Item Navigation[]

Items Stand ArrowWeird ArrowShiny MushroomHoly MushroomAccessories CoinUnusual ArrowRequiem ArrowMysterious BagLeft Arm of the Saint's CorpseLeft Eye of the Saint's CorpseSteel BallHoly BibleSaint's CorpseDoppio's FrogDIO's HairUgly WatchDiego's Eye
Removed Items Spooky ArrowCandy CaneChristmas GiftChoosable ShinySoulValentines Gift