Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

Basic Information[]

The Mysterious Bag is a rare item in Crusaders' Heaven that can be opened to get either a Left Arm or an Eye. The item cannot be sold.


  • Open it?
  • Open|Keep
  • It is heavy. (Continue)|. (Continue)


The bag looks like a big brown bag tied up with something heavy inside.

How To Obtain[]

The bag can be obtained through many ways. They are:


The bag is opened to get one of these items:

Item Navigation[]

Items Stand ArrowWeird ArrowShiny MushroomHoly MushroomAccessories CoinUnusual ArrowRequiem ArrowMysterious BagLeft Arm of the Saint's CorpseLeft Eye of the Saint's CorpseSteel BallHoly BibleSaint's CorpseDoppio's FrogDIO's HairUgly WatchDiego's Eye
Removed Items Spooky ArrowCandy CaneChristmas GiftChoosable ShinySoulValentines Gift