Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

Basic Information[]

The Stand Arrow is an item mainly used to obtain Stands in JoJo: Crusaders Heaven. It can easily be found around the map, so it is a common item. It is first featured in Diamond is Unbreakable (Part 4), as a weapon. The Arrows were originally meteorites that contained an unknown virus, then reshaped into arrows. The item can be sold for $100.


If used on Gold Experience[]

  • The Arrow is pointing at you. (30% successful rate)
  • Stab yourself|Keep
  • You feel a mysterious power in your body. (Continue)|. (Continue)


The arrow looks similar to a Stand Arrow, but on the arrowhead, there is a beetle carving and a red stone on the beetle.

How To Obtain[]

The arrow can be obtained by:


Currently, Requiem Arrows can only be used on Gold Experience to get:


  • DIO used to drop Requiem Arrows.


Item Navigation[]

Items Stand ArrowWeird ArrowShiny MushroomHoly MushroomAccessories CoinUnusual ArrowRequiem ArrowMysterious BagLeft Arm of the Saint's CorpseLeft Eye of the Saint's CorpseSteel BallHoly BibleSaint's CorpseDoppio's FrogDIO's HairUgly WatchDiego's Eye
Removed Items Spooky ArrowCandy CaneChristmas GiftChoosable ShinySoulValentines Gift