Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

"I'm gonna turn you into a pincushion!!... As for the rest, I'll leave that to the Devil himself."
~ Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ - Jan Piēru Porunarefu)

  • Summary

Silver Chariot is the Stand of Jean Pierre Polnareff, a main ally in both JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo. Silver Chariot is a powerful, close-range Stand that primarily fights with the rapier it is equipped with. This Stand can be very deadly in close-range combat. This is one of the only stands in the game that don't have a cutscene.


In appearance, Silver Chariot takes the appearance of a robotic humanoid person, the lower half of its torso is thin, while the rest of its body is covered in silver-colored armor, topping it of with a silver rapier in its right hand. Despite its thin appearance, Silver Chariot is covered in heavy armor, with a helmet worn on its head, and other armor pieces worn on its legs and arms, similar to a medieval knight. Silver Chariot is often portrayed as being covered in polished silvery armor, befitting its name.


Keybind Move Descripton Damage GIF
LMB M1 combo Silver Chariot slashes the opponent 4 times before stabbing them in the neck and knocking them away 3.62 For normal clicks 9.25 1st hit in M1 combo 8.25 Last hit in M1 combo
Sliver Chariot M1 Combo
E Rapier


Silver Chariot repeatedly stabs the opponent with one arm 0.33 dmg (per hit)
Sliver Chariot Rapier Barrage
R Heavy punch A generic heavy strike that ragdolls 18.5 Damage
Sliver Chariot Heavy Punch
T Last shot Silver Chariot launches the blade of his sword with incredible speed and percision 25 Damage
Sliver Chariot Last Shot
Y Circle slash Silver Chariot slashes the ground in a circular motion creating a powerful , cutting gust of wind with AoE ragdoll 23.75 Damage
Sliver Chariot Circle Slash
H Armour off/on Silver Chariot's Armour is flung off whilet you are clapping and saying " Bravo, Bravo" Increases speed and damage. Needs 3/4 of rage bar to be used. N/A
Sliver Chariot Armor Off
C Raiper slash Silver Chariot does a spinning motion before deliver an powerful slice which has stun 22.5
Sliver Chariot Rapier Slash
V Raiper Dash Silver Chariot and the user teleport forward anyone between point 1 and point 2 gets damaged and stunned. If the move doesn't land, you'll be immobilized at point 2, leaving you open for a combo 0.5 for 1 tick and 2.87

for the other ticks

Sliver Chariot Rapier Dash
X Beatdown Silver Chariot will launch you up by stabbing your stomach and do a barrage of attacks then slamming you down and finish you off with another barrage and a heavy finisher 49.7 dmg total

Pros and Cons[]


  • Great damage output.
  • Great attacking speed.
  • Can disable any offensive move.
  • Pretty good for PVPs.
  • Y is good for clearing a crowd.
  • Good combo potential.


  • Move can be predicted after while.

Silver Chariot Skins


  • Silver Chariot is seen holding 2 rapiers instead of one in the JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~ opening sequence of the anime adaptation of the Egypt Arc of Stardust Crusaders, likely as a nod to its possession by Anubis.
    • In one instance, when Polnareff fighting Vanilla Ice, chariot uses 2 swords instead of the usual 1 sword.
  • Silver Chariot's head resembles the mask worn by Jagi in Fist of the North Star.
  • Silver Chariot's rapier closely resembles an épée, a smaller and flimsier sword that is used in modern fencing.
  • Silver Chariot's appearance bears a resemblance to the figure shown on Judas Priest's album Painkiller.
  • Silver Chariot has a total of 7 skins.
    • Gold Chariot, based on Silver Chariot if it was full gold.
    • Silver Chariot OVA, based on Silver Chariot in the 1993 OVA.
    • Child Silver Chariot, based on when Polnareff was turned into a child by Alessi.
    • French Chariot, based on Silver Chariot with french accessories.
    • Shadow Knight, based on Silver Chariot but with a Shadow The World look.
    • Vegito, based on Vegito, the fusion of Goku (Kakarot) and Vegeta using Potara earrings from the Dragon Ball series.
    • Inferno Chariot
    • Silver Chariot Has been leaked to have a beatdown by the developer.


Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean