"Indeed Jotaro, what you have called an "Evil Spirit" is but a powerful vision created by your own life energy! And since it stands next to you, it is called... a Stand!"
~ Joseph Joestar
General Information
A Stand (スタンド Sutando) is a visual manifestation of life energy (in other words, the manifestation of the soul of the user). There are currently 18 Stands in Jojo: Crusaders' Heaven, the Stands here in this game are from Part 3-7 (as there are no Jojolion Stands in-game yet). To obtain a stand, you have to use a Stand Arrow on Standless. Stands from the Steel Ball Run universe, however, require the item use of the Saint's Corspe Parts, which are the Left Arm and the Left Eye. There is also another way to obtain a Stand, which is buying the Early Access Gamepass to use the stand that is currently being worked on.
Base Stands
- Stands can also be obtained without the need of an Arrow, some users such as Kakyoin and Avdol were born with their Stands and Jotaro gained his Stand because of his blood connection to Jonathan Joestar.
- Most JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Roblox games have players obtain Stands using arrows due to its easy gameplay functionality.