Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

""If this were a game of chess between us, this would easily class as a checkmate!"
~ DIO (DIO, ディオ)


The World is the stand of DIO, the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. The World is an exceptionally powerful close-range Stand, similar to Star Platinum. With its powerful damage dealing moves, this Stand can be very powerful when utilized correctly.


The World has a very muscular appearance and humanoid build, similar to Star Platinum. It wears a pentagon-shaped headpiece, covering its face to below the place of its nose.

  • The main colour scheme of the Stand is yellow, with shades of grey and neon green on different parts of its body.
  • It dawns two oxygen tanks on its back.
  • The back of both its hands bears the shape of a humanoid face. Its chin, the base of its abdomen, groin region, chin, and knees are topped by neon green heart shapes.


Keybind Move Description Damage GIF Audio
Light Punches
The World does a combo of punches, then uppercutting them into the air, stopping time, and throwing a flurry of knives at them. All the punches can be blocked and has a 4 second cooldown. 4.43 DMG (first 4 punches)

0.7 DMG (1 knife)

16.5 DMG (all knives)

34.3 DMG (total)

The World M1 Combo Normal


MUDA Barrage
The World unleashes a flurry of punches. The punches can be blocked and has a 6 second cooldown. 0.68 DMG (per punch)

28.3 DMG (total)

The World Barrage Normal


Heavy Punch
The World charges up a strong right punch forwards, ragdolling the target. Can block break and can be perfect blocked. This has a 9 second cooldown. 21.75 DMG The World Heavy Punch Normal


Knife Throw
The World grabs 5 knives and throws them forwards. This can be blocked and has a 15 second cooldown. ~4.5 DMG (per knife)

22.5 DMG (total)

The World Knives Throw Normal


Kick Barrage
The World unleashes a flurry of kicks, before finishing with a roundhouse kick. The kicks can be blocked, but the last kick will block break. Has a 17 second cooldown. 10.7 DMG (per kick)

36.5 DMG (total)

The World Kick Barrage Normal


Sign Smash
The World slams a sign into the ground dealing a small AOE effect, applying stun for 2 seconds. The move can be used without having your Stand out. Can block break but can be perfect blocked. Has a 30 second cooldown. 23.25 DMG The World Stop Sign Smash Normal


Time Stop Teleport
The World stops time and teleports the user to the cursor. If used out of range, it will teleport the max distance it can. This has a 15 second cooldown. N/A The World TS Teleport Normal

Time Stop Donut
The World teleports behind whoever your cursor is on and thrusts them in the stomach. Can be blocked and has a 30 second cooldown.
  • Requires about 1/4 of your ultimate bar.
  • This move is useable during TS, but acts like a strong punch, working at close range and dealing exact same damage.
25.75 DMG The World Timestop Donut Normal


Time Stop
The user yells "Za Warudo! Toki wo Tomare!" as The World stops time for 5 seconds. All damage dealt during the time stop will be dealt after the time stop ends. This has a 40-50 second cooldown.
  • Requires at least 1/3 of your ultimate bar.
N/A The World Timestop Normal


Knife Barrage
The World punches the target upwards, then stops time. During the time stop, the user will throw a flurry of knives at the target. Time will resume, and the target will be dealt damage. Can be perfect blocked. Has a 90 second cooldown.
  • Requires at least 1/2 of your ultimate bar.
88.7 DMG The World Beatdown Normal

The World Skins[]


  • The World is one of the earliest Stands in the game.
  • The Stand's design is based on the mascot for the band Dio, specifically the giant monster posing in the album cover of Holy Diver. The design of the Stand plays on the theme of a literal diver, featuring an oxygen tank on the back of The World.
  • This Stand is based on the anime color scheme of The World, rather than the manga colors, which are various shades of yellow.
  • The Ultimate move, Checkmate (X), is based on the Timestop knife barrage in Chapter 258: DIO's World (12) when he attack Jotaro.
  • The World has a total of 11 skins.
    • Dark The World, based on The World's alternate stat card.
    • The World: Greatest High, based on The World after DIO sucks Joseph's blood.
    • Manga The World, based on The World in the manga.
    • The World OVA, based on The World in the 1993 OVA.
      • This skin comes with voice changes! (Shares the same voiceline change as STW)
    • Shadow The World, based on Shadow DIO's The World in Heritage For The Future.
      • This skin comes with voice changes! (Shares the same voiceline change as TWOVA)
    • DIO, based on The World's user, DIO.
    • Deimos The World, based on The World drawn by an artist. (@daddydeimos_art on Instagram)
    • Black The World
    • The Night
    • Bloody World
    • Deer World

Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean