Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki

""It's truly, truly been… a very long roundabout path…""
~ Johnny Joestar (Joni Jōsutā, ジョニィ・ジョースター)

Tusk Act 1[]


Tusk is the Stand of Johnny Joestar, the main protagonist featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. Tusk is a Stand consisting of ACTs. In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stands with ACTs are Stands that develop over time until they reach their final form/act.


ACT1 resembles a small animal. Its head is of equal or slightly greater size than its body, and it floats with two short, vague, and inarticulate arms and one such leg.

Its posterior is marked somewhat irregularly by small stars, behind which dark circles radiate to their points; while four tendrils droop from the base of its trunk to the approximate length of its leg, bearing heart shapes.

On its head, it bears two long, mammalian ears; small, reflective black eyes, under a brow of a troubling angle; a large star at the top of its forehead, behind which a dark circle radiates to its points, and from the center of which a string links with the tip of a cone fastened to the region of its nose.


This stand has been released, and can be obtained by using Left Arm of the Saint's Corpse, which is obtained from the Mysterious Bag.


Keybind Move Descripton Damage GIF
R Nail Slash You spin the nails in both hands and slash the opponent (can be used without having your stand out but will not deal damage) 11 per slash ( 2 slashes) for a total of 22 damage.
Nail slash

C Multi Nail Shot With the help of Tusk Act 1, Johnny uses spin in his fingernails at a high velocity and shoot them dealing decent damage. Each nail does 4.7 damage for a total of 23.5 damage.
Multi nail shot

T Nail Shot You concentrate spin in your fingernail allowing you to shoot them and deal low damage. 11 Damage
Single nail shot

E Focused Nail shot You focus more into your fingernails to shoot a much stronger version of the normal nail shot. 22-34 Damage
Focused nail shot
V Drinks Tea You pull out a cup of herbal tea and drink it. It heals you for around 30 HP.
Tusk Act 1 Drink Tea

Pros and Cons[]


  • Multi Nail shot can deal good amounts of damage if all nails hit,
  • Healing move.


  • 1 mediocre close ranged move, making it exclusively a zoner.
  • Long cooldowns.

Tusk Act 2[]


Tusk ACT 2 is the first evolved form of Tusk, accessed when Johnny makes progress in the technique of the Spin and uses the Golden Rectangle.

You need get Steel Ball(spawns around map) and 3000 money, then talk to npc gyro to obtain Tusk ACT2.


Mechanically, ACT2 possesses small, sturdy torso and arms, greater in proportion to its head. From its head hang two barrel-shaped objects.

A barrel-like unit the size of its head is suspended at the base of a short, flat spine.

Tusk is primarily pink in all media featuring it. This appears to be sort of like a robot.


You need to talk to Gyro with a Steel Ball and $3000 in hand whilst wielding TA1 to evolve into TA2


Keybind Move Damage Description Gif
LMB M1 Combo 3.25 damage per hit for a total of 22.75 The user will punch the opponent 5 times, the 5th punch being that one that launches and ragdolls the opponent.
Tusk Act 2 M1 Combo V2
R Nail Slash 12 per hit for a total of 25 Using spin on their nails, the user will slash the opponent with both of their arms whilst a yellow effect coming from their nails could be seen whilst they do so.
Tusk Act 2 Nail Slash
Hold E Focused Nail Shot 23.5 if uncharged, 37 if fully charged The user will concentrate more spin and focus into their nail, thus making it stronger than their normal shot, then shoot it at the opponent - dealing more damage than a regular nail shot.
Tusk Act 2 Focused Nail Shot
T Nail Shot 11.75 The user will concentrate spin in their nails allowing them to shoot it out at their opponent.
Tusk Act 2 Nail Shot
Y Golden Rectangle Nail Shot 30.25 The user will concentrate spin into their nails whilst approaching the Golden Rectangle as a self-similar and endless spiral to achieve an enchanced version of their nail shot.
Tusk Act 2 Golden Rectangle Nail Shot
V Drinks Tea Heals the user for 35 The user will bring out a cup of tea and drink it to heal up their health.
Tusk Act 2 Tea Drink
C Multi Nail shot 26.7 if all hit The user will concentrate spin into more of their nails then shoot it out rapidly towards their opponent.
Tusk Act 2 Multi Nail Shot
Hold Z Nail Glide 0 The user will add spin into their nails on of their hands, allowing them to move on the ground efficiently and fast.
Tusk Act 2 Nail Glide


  • High damage if used correctly.
  • Healing move.


  • Nail Glide speed is slow, making it unreliable for combat.
  • Weak knockback
  • 1 mediocre short ranged attack, making it exclusively a zoner.

Tusk Act 3[]


Tusk is the Stand of Johnny Joestar, the main protagonist featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. Tusk is a Stand consisting of ACTs. In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stands with ACTs are Stands that develop over time until they reach their final form/act.


ACT3 bears sharp spicky cocks growing from both the underside from its small, truncated, disc-shaped hands, similar to that of D4C: LT's left hand. It also has three of those same spikes on its 3 toes, on its feet.

On its dark, spherical shoulders it bears the large, bold outline of a star; and from its upper lip to the rear of its head runs a tall, blade-like protrusion resembling a Mohawk.

Although it is distinctly more human in shape, its head is still embedded into its body, foreshadowing Tusk ACT4's head placement.


Read the Holy Bible whilst wielding TA2 to evolve into TA3


Keybind Move Damage Description Gif
LMB M1 Combo 3.25 damage per hit for a total of 22.75 Similar to TA1 and TA2, the user will punch the opponent exactly 5 times, the 5th punch being the one that launches and ragdolls the opponent.
Tusk Act 3 M1 Combo
R Nail Slash 12 per hit for a total of 25 Adding spin on their nails, the user will slash the opponent with both of their arms whilst a yellow effect coming from their nails could be seen whilst they do so.
Tusk Act 3 Nail Slash
Hold E Focused Nail Shot 23.5 if uncharged, 37 if fully charged The user will concentrate more spin and focus onto one nail, thus enchancing the power of the nail and making it stronger than their regular version, then shoot it out towards the opponent - dealing greater damage than their regular nail shot.
Tusk Act 3 Focused Nail Shot
T Nail Shot 11.75 The user will add spin onto one of their nail then shoot it out towards the opponent.
Tusk Act 3 Nail Shot
Y Golden Rectangle Nail Shot 30.25 The user will concentrate spin onto one of their nail whilst approaching the Golden Rectangle as a self-similar and endless spiral to achieve an enchanced version of their nail shot, stronger than their Focused Nail Shot, with a perfect rotation and infinite energy, which then the user will shoot it out towards the opponent.
Tusk Act 3 Golden Rectangle Nail Shot
U Drinks Tea Heals the user for 35 The user will bring a cup of tea and drink it to heal up their health.
Tusk Act 3 Drink Tea
V Wormhole Nail Shot 26.25 By concentrating spin into their nails with aureal rotation, the user is able to create wormholes which then allows them to shoot through it and towards the opponent from different angles.
Tusk Act 3 Wormhole Nail Shot
C Multi Nail shot 26.7 if all hit The user will concentrate spin into more than one of their nails, then shoot it out rapidly towards their opponent.
Tusk Act 3 Multi Nail Shot
Hold Z Nail Glide 0 The user will concentrate spin into one of their hands' nails, then use it to glide across the ground efficiently and fast.
Tusk Act 3 Nail Glide

Pros and Cons[]


  • High damage if used correctly.
  • Healing move.


  • Nail speed is sort of slow, making it unreliable for combat and more for running.
  • Weak knockback
  • 1 mediocre short ranged attack, making it exclusively a zoner.

Tusk Act 4[]


Tusk is the Stand of Johnny Joestar, the main protagonist featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. Tusk is a Stand consisting of ACTs. In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stands with ACTs are Stands that develop over time until they reach their final form/act.


ACT4 has a somewhat humanoid shape, broad or square build; of articulated legs, arms, hands, and fingers. Its head is mounted in the front of its chest, and from the bottom of its chest hangs to its ankles a vestment comprising strings of vertical concave ellipses. Like its user, Johnny Joestar, it wears a horseshoe on its forehead. The way to obtain ACT4 is to kill Diego on the beach after taking the quest from Johnny Joestar.(you must get saint's corpse from diego)

For its Shiny version, Shiny Tusk ACT4 is a bit different in a sense that its color scheme is overall less vibrant when compared to its original design. The eyes are light blue instead of yellow.


Give the Saint's Corpse plus Diego's Eye to Johnny NPC whilst wielding TA3 to evolve into TA4


Passives: The user can move in time stop.
Keybind Move Damage Descrption Gif
LMB M1 Combo 44.8 (Total) The user, using Tusk Act 4, will punch the victim exactly 4 times before punching them twice more with the finishing punch throwing the victim away.
Tusk Act 4 M1 Combo
Hold E Barrage 24.48 Tusk Act 4 comes in front of the user to release a flurry of punches, much like a barrage like other stands such as Star Platinum, etc.
Tusk Act 4 Barrage
R Heavy Punch 21.75 A heavy punch which can break blocks and ragdolls opponents.
Tusk Act 4 Heavy Punch
T Nail Shots 29,61 (Total) Shoots 3 nails, each dealing 9.87 damage. These can be blocked. (Not cursor-aimed).
Tusk Act 4 Nail Shots
Y Golden Rectange Nail Shot 33.62 Shoots 1 nail. This can not be blocked. (Not cursor-aimed).
Tusk Act 4 Golden Rectangle Nail Shot
U Drinks Tea Heals the user for 35 The user will bring out a cup of tea and drink it to heal up their health.
Tusk Act 4 Drink Tea
C Wormhole Ground Slam 22.75 Tusk makes wormholes and ground slams wherever your cursor is. Then tusk comes back to the user.
Tusk Act 4 Wormhole Ground Slam
V Wormhole Beatdown 15 damage on initial hit, [filler text] Tusk Act 4 will punch the victim, first doing 15 damage. They will be thrown backwards and then in around 1.5 seconds Tusk Act 4 will appear out of a wormhole and punch the victim twice more before returning to user.
Tusk Act 4 Wormhole Beatdown
Cursor on user + H Wormhole Nail Shots 29.67 Tusk Act 4 uses wormholes to shoot nails out of several wormholes, automatically aiming them back at a singular target that you have your mouse hovered over.
Tusk Act 4 Wormhole Nail Shot
X Lesson 5/ Arigato Gyro 108.49

Tusk Act 4 and the user does a pose before shooting a large nail. The victim hit by the nail will then be the subject of the beatdown. Tusk Act 4 will uppercut the victim before throwing them to the ground and then throwing them into the air. While in the air, Tusk Act 4 will barrage the victim multiple times before doing one last punch and spinning and then saying "Arigato...Gyro." This move requires around 3/4 of your rage bar.

Tusk Act 4 Arigato Gyro

Pros and Cons[]


  • Great damage output.
  • Incredible ranged attacks.
  • Good mobility.
  • Extremely versatile.
  • Can exploit a TS.
  • Golden Rectange Nail Shot can't be blocked.
  • Wormhole Beatdown can be used to surprise people if they don't pay attention to the damage of the first punch.


  • Reduced melee attacks.
  • Requires good aim.
  • "Arigato Gyro" has a long windup, making it easy to miss your opponent.
  • Nail Glide has a long cooldown.


  • Lesson 5 has a short cooldown meaning you can use it soon after if you miss the first time.


  • Z + E + H + V + T
  • Z + Y + E (Hold) + R + H
  • Z + Y + V + H + E (Hold) + C + T + E (Hold)
  • E + R
  • E + R + H
  • E + LMB + C + V
  • R + T
  • H + T + Y + V + C + E (Hold) + R
  • C + H + R

Stand Navigation[]

Stands Star PlatinumSilver ChariotThe WorldCrazy DiamondStar Platinum: The WorldThe HandKiller QueenKiller Queen: Bites The DustGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemKing Crimson: DoppioKing CrimsonTuskThe World: Alternative UniverseStone FreeWhitesnakeStar Platinum: Stone Ocean