Jojo Crusaders Heaven Wiki


Ugly Watch is an item in Crusaders' Heaven dropped by Kira Yoshikage Boss after dealing 5% damage (125 health) or killing Kira entirely. It can be exchanged to the Josuke NPC for rewards ranging from Unusual Arrows, which is used to evolve KQ to KQ:BTD (Killer Queen: Bites the Dust), Weird Arrows, and Stand Arrows.

How To Obtain[]

  • Deal 5% damage to Kira or Kill Kira. (100% drop)


Given to Josuke for rewards, the rewards range from:


  • This item is a reference to a scene where Jotaro holds Kira's hand, which has a watch on it, and calls it "ugly" before using Star Platinum to beat up Kira.
  • In the series, Kira's watch is actually gold with brown strips which causes the Game versions Watch to be incorrectly colored.

Item Navigation[]

Items Stand ArrowWeird ArrowShiny MushroomHoly MushroomAccessories CoinUnusual ArrowRequiem ArrowMysterious BagLeft Arm of the Saint's CorpseLeft Eye of the Saint's CorpseSteel BallHoly BibleSaint's CorpseDoppio's FrogDIO's HairUgly WatchDiego's Eye
Removed Items Spooky ArrowCandy CaneChristmas GiftChoosable ShinySoulValentines Gift

